Designed for processing (size reduction) of a wide variety of dry friable materials, and can be equipped with reject spout(s) for oversized or hard to process materials.
- Automatic start & load control panel
- Interlocked components to prevent improper startup
- Remote control unit (start-stop, motor load indicator, feeder speed control)
**Drive Motor:** 125/150 HP, 1800 RPM, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 440/550V (O.D.P. or TEFC)
**Oil Pump Motor:** 1/3 HP, 1800 RPM, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 440/550V (Totally enclosed)
**Feeder Motor:** 3/4 HP, DC drive (Totally enclosed)
- **Top & Bottom Bearings:** Two-row, self-aligning, spherical roller
- **Seals:** Mechanical face seals
- **Base & Mill Housing:** Carbon steel weldment
- **Bearing Housings:** Cast iron
- **Grinding Rotors:** Carbon steel w/ hard alloy replaceable blades
- **Classifier:** Carbon steel plates w/ hard alloy-faced steel tines
- **Mill Shaft:** SAE 4140 steel, heat-treated
- **Fan Housing:** Cast ductile iron
- **Fans:** Alloy steel, stellite-faced
- **Replaceable Liners:** Hard iron alloy
- **Feeder & Hopper:** Carbon steel
- **Domestic Shipping Weight:** 6,100 lbs
- **Export Shipping Weight:** 7,650 lbs
- **Overall Dimensions:** 11'5" x 63" x 6'3"
(Depending on configuration)
The air classification mill reduces dry friable materials to a sub-sieve range by fluidizing particles for precise separation.
Material enters the grinding chamber via a screw feeder with a variable speed drive, where controlled airflow lifts fines into the classifier zone.
Oversized particles are rejected or recirculated for further reduction, while classified fines move to the integral fan chamber and are pneumatically conveyed to a dust collection system, typically a cyclone with a backpressure dust filter.
1️⃣ Cyclone collector &/or bag filter w/ rotary valve & exhaust fan
2️⃣ Magnetic grate hopper & Screw Feeder
3️⃣ Special motors & electrical starts as required
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